With a fresh new year ahead, Harlequin Jewellers is back at the workshop, and pumped for a year of beautiful jewellery making. What will 2022 hold for us? While the last few years have taught us to expect the unexpected, here are my predictions for the jewellery trends ahead.
1. Pink Diamonds
It has been a little over a year since Western Australia’s Argyle Diamond Mine closed its operation, sparking a greater appreciation worldwide for the rarity of these incredible gems. With a complete halt of new gems, the remaining Argyle Pink Diamonds have been snapped up by buyers, and the jewellery world has been holding its breath to see what happens next.
In 2022, I see gemstone aficionados adding what remaining Pink Diamonds they can to their collections (be that in an engagement ring, dress ring, pendant, as accent stones, or simply a loose gemstone to treasure), with interest also spilling over to other coloured diamonds. Attention is being shared across to Yellow Diamonds in particular, and I see beautiful bright shades of yellow featuring in engagement rings and dress pieces throughout the year.
Following the Argyle Diamond Mine closure in late 2020, Pink Diamonds are an attractive choice for gemstone connoisseurs.
2. Spinels
Look back a few years, Spinels were a largely unknown gemstone variety, overshadowed by more well-known varieties like Sapphires and Rubies. Today, Spinels have established themselves as a beautiful mainstay in the jewellery scene, with admirers appreciating in particular its Red, Neon Pink, Cobalt Blue and Grey colourways.
In 2022, I see Spinels featuring in more and more pieces, both as feature gems and accent stones. The versatile gem is strong enough for engagement rings, and makes for beautiful dress rings, pendants, and earrings for day-to-day and occasion wear.
Largely unknown a few years ago, Blue Spinels like this one now hold a solid place in the jewellery scene.
3. Lab grown diamonds
Natural mined diamonds have been a long sought after choice for engagement rings, given their rarity and strength. While I expect this to continue, there’s also a quiet undercurrent forming, with a small but growing interest in lab grown diamonds. Some clients are beginning to specifically look for lab grown diamonds over mined diamonds for many reasons: be that a deliberate choice to steer away from large scale diamond mining operations, through to the ability to attain a larger size diamond for the same price point of essentially the same material. Whatever their individual reason, it’s clear that lab grown diamonds are here to stay this year, and I expect more clients seeking these gems for their engagement rings in 2022.
Lab grown diamonds, like this oval shaped one, are becoming an increasingly popular choice for engagement rings.
4. Meaningful day-to-day gems
The events of the last few years have forced many of us to direct our attention inward, rather than be distracted by the ordinary hum drum of external life. As a result? Many of us have become better attuned to ourselves, our likes, our dislikes, what we find meaningful, and what sparks our joy. Going into 2022, I see this guiding our decisions in everything from big picture life decisions, to how we spend our time, and right through to the jewellery we buy.
What does this mean for jewellery? I expect to see jewellery choices that create meaning and joy in our day to day lives. From heartfelt remodels of treasured family heirlooms that bring our history to the forefront of our minds, to highly tailored pendants with talisman-like meaning, or gemstones from exotic locations that muster up a sense of adventure in our lives. I see projects like these coming through my workshop doors, creating jewellery that wearers can hold onto day in, day out, as a reminder of who they are, what they love, and what they value.
Personal pieces that capture our identities and passions bring joy to our day to day lives, like this piece capturing the wearer’s love of the ocean.
Which trend is your favourite? What jewellery trends are you hopeful for this year? Drop a comment below.